gtag('config', 'G-EWVTF29SDB'); G-9C9J1Q44S2 AW-990359549 G-9C9J1Q44S2 AW-990359549
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Electro-Mech Scoreboard Co.

Electro-Mech Scoreboard Co.

About Us

Electro-Mech Scoreboard Company

Our roots in Wrightsville, GA go back to 1963. Decade after decade, we’ve taken a small town common sense approach to building a business with a reputation for stability, service, and simplicity. Electro-Mech scoreboards reflect this attitude. We take pride in knowing that, in a subtle way, we are helping promote the character building aspects of athletic competition. It takes discipline and dedication, respect for your coaches and teammates, and a good dose of hard work to put points on a scoreboard. At Electro-Mech, we want to do our part to bring out the good sport in everyone!

ElectroMech Scoreboard Co., Scoreboards, Wrightsville, GAAvailable on TIPS