gtag('config', 'G-EWVTF29SDB'); G-9C9J1Q44S2 AW-990359549 G-9C9J1Q44S2 AW-990359549
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About Us

Loudoun Water provides drinking water and wastewater services to over 80,000 households in Loudoun County. Our drinking water comes from the Potomac River and Goose Creek. Drinking water from the Potomac River is fully treated by Loudoun Water at our Trap Rock Water Treatment Facility, and also by our wholesaler, Fairfax Water.

Our mission is to work to ensure a healthy environment and high quality of life through effective and sustainable management of resources entrusted to our care.

To do this, Loudoun Water maintains over 1,483 miles of water distribution pipelines, over 1,234 miles of wastewater collection system pipelines and a growing reclaimed non-potable water system.

Loudoun Water is a political subdivision of the State and is not a department of Loudoun County. This means all Loudoun Water income is received either as user fees from customers, which go towards operating expenses or as developer fees which are used to pay for capital improvements. 

Loudoun Water is governed by a Board consisting of nine members appointed by the Board of Supervisors. The Board members serve four year terms and can be reappointed by the County. The Board appoints the General Manager, who is responsible for the daily management of Loudoun Water.

Loudoun County is a rapidly growing jurisdiction located in the northern tip of the Commonwealth of Virginia approximately 25 miles northwest of Washington, D.C. Loudoun County contains 517 square miles, making it one of the largest counties in the region. It has been one of the fastest growing counties in the country over the past decade. The County is expected to continue to have one of the highest population and employment growth rates in the entire Washington region over the next 20 years. Loudoun Water continues to plan for this growth, which is outlined in our Capital Improvement Plan.