gtag('config', 'G-EWVTF29SDB'); G-9C9J1Q44S2 AW-990359549 G-9C9J1Q44S2 AW-990359549
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C35 - CS International Sàrl

C35 - CS International Sàrl

About Us


Mattheiu-Schegg-1.e7e83b92f7f997ec49b5.jpg“It is a really exciting time to work at Columbia in Europe. The market is changing faster than ever, distribution and communication are changing and consumer expectations are changing as well. The brands within our portfolio have been enjoying great momentum and the future perspectives are great. I am happy to lead a energetic, passionate international team consisting of 20 nationalities serving 19 countries and 23 languages!”

– Matthieu Schegg, Europe General Manager