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About Us

We exist to bring balance to our people and our planet.

Rooted in the lands and waters of our ancestral home.


We are led by the values of our ancestors and the voices of future generations.


The heartbeat of our people.

Our ways of life continue, against all odds. Knowledge and love, passed down through millennia, is shared today with our children, grandchildren and theirs after them. This thread, interwoven from generation to generation, rests at the heart of all we do.


For past, present and future generations

Our shared heritage, collective future and a sense of responsibility for each other and our planet guide our way. With this comes the understanding that we must rely upon each other — all we achieve is made possible by working together.

Where there is water,

there is life


Indigenous advocacy for lands and waters

A corporation led by ancestral values, Sealaska focuses on ocean health and balanced land management. With our shared future in mind, we are working to restore balance to our lands, waters and the communities that they nourish.


Guiding all paths we walk

The values that shape each of Sealaska’s decisions are older than living memory, as our people have called Southeast Alaska home for more than 10,000 years. And yet, our understanding of these four core cultural values continues to evolve, acting as pillars that inform our strategy and actions at all levels.

Haa Aaní | Íitl’ Tlagáa | Na Yuubm | Our Land

Haa Shuká | Íitl’ Kuníisii | Na Hlagigyadm | Our Past, Present and Future

Haa Latseen | Íitl’ Dagwiigáay | Na Yugyetga’nm | Our Strength and Leadership

Wooch.Yax | Gu dlúu | Ama Mackshm | Balance, Reciprocity and Respect

This deep, unwavering commitment to our cultural values contributes to our resiliency, our ability to adapt, informs our intimate and symbiotic relationship with the environment, drives our work toward sustainable cultural ecosystems, and reinforces our commitment to protect our institutions and lands for future generations. Sealaska translates and applies these values across all that we do, from our backyard salmon streams to our global businesses.