About Us
To create meaningful and inclusive employment opportunities
for people on the Autism Spectrum.
Spectrum Designs and Spectrum Suds — are by design operationally self-sustaining through sales; all fundraising proceeds go to expansion and advancement.
We’ve partnered with Colortime Crafts & Markers™ to create a unique line of colorable T-shirts, pillowcases, and drawstring bags. Every purchase benefits the employees of Spectrum Designs and creates hours of neurodiverse employment.
Staff are paid at least minimum wage, creating an environment where both our employees and the economy can prosper.
Spectrum Designs is a custom apparel and promotional products business with a social mission - to create meaningful and inclusive employment and vocational training opportunities for people in a neurodiverse world.
More than 50% of our workforce is on the Autism Spectrum. As a nonprofit, 100% of sales from every order go towards the ongoing expansion and advancement of hiring and retaining an inclusive and integrated culture.
Spectrum Designs works with a human services agency, The Nicholas Center, who provide vocational training and work readiness skills to young adults on the Autism Spectrum and related disabilities. Should you or your loved one have a need for on-the-job supports please visit: tncnewyork.org. If supports are not necessary, please send your resume and cover letter to employment@spectrumdesigns.org